JSON API: /settings

JSON API: /settings

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Fetch Settings

Status: Implemented 20230120

Required permissions: "o"

Request: /json/settings/get[?version=X]

Response payload example:


Each key in the payload is the name of a fossil-recognized setting, modeled as an object. The keys of that are:

Note that settings are internally stored as strings, even if they're semantically treated as numbers. The way settings are stored and handled does not give us enough information to recognize their exact data type here so they are passed on as-is.

Set Settings

Status: Implemented 20230120

Required permissions: "s"

Request: /json/settings/set

This call requires that the input payload be an object containing a mapping of fossil-known configuration keys (case-sensitive) to values. For example:

  "editor": "emacs",
  "admin-log": true,
  "auto-captcha": false

It iterates through each property, which must have a data type of null, boolean, number, or string. A value of null unsets (deletes) the setting. Boolean values are stored as integer 0 or 1. All other types are stored as-is. It only updates the repository.config database and never updates a checkout or global config database, nor is it capable of updating versioned settings1.

It has no result payload but this may be changed in the future it practice shows that it should return something specific.

Error responses include:

If an error is triggered, any settings made by this call up until that point are discarded.

  1. ^ Updating versioned settings requires creating a full check-in.