Put stuff here
Clone the repository
mkdir opi && cd opi
fossil clone https://blabl.space fossil-scm.fossil
fossil open fossil-scm.fossil opi
WARNING: Use the filename fossil-scm.fossil
because the Dockerfile copies that name for the database.
WARNING: Use the opi
branch contains our fork and trunk
will be used if you do not specify the branch.
Use Docker to serve it locally
Open browser to http://localhost:8123/doc/opi/www/opi.md
NOTE: Currently, the Docker image tries to redirect accesses to https and blabl.space, so you may need to fix this in the Dockerfile to serve locally.
Push changes
Follow the documentation on fossil
to learn about pushing changes to the server, but this command
is particularly useful to update the remote URL for write access.
fossil remote-url https://USERNAME@blabl.space