Standalone HTTP Server

Standalone HTTP Server

The easiest way to set up a Fossil server is to use either the server or ui command:

The REPOSITORY argument is either the name of the repository file or a directory containing many repositories named “*.fossil”. Both of these commands start a Fossil server, usually on TCP port 8080, though a higher numbered port will be used instead if 8080 is already occupied.

You can access these using URLs of the form http://localhost:8080/, or if REPOSITORY is a directory, URLs of the form http://localhost:8080/repo/ where repo is the base name of the repository file without the “.fossil” suffix.

There are several key differences between “ui” and “server”:

You can omit the REPOSITORY argument if you run one of the above commands from within a Fossil checkout directory to serve that repository:

$ fossil ui          # or...
$ fossil server

You can abbreviate Fossil sub-commands as long as they are unambiguous. “server” can currently be as short as “ser”.

You can serve a directory containing multiple *.fossil files like so:

$ fossil server --port 9000 --repolist /path/to/repo/dir

There is an example script in the Fossil distribution that wraps fossil server to produce more complicated effects. Feel free to take it, study it, and modify it to suit your local needs.

See the online documentation for more information on the options and arguments you can give to these commands.

Return to the top-level Fossil server article.