Forcing Use of Fossil’s RBAC over SSH

Forcing Use of Fossil’s RBAC over SSH

Andy Bradford posted a clever solution to the problem of Fossil’s RBAC system being ignored over ssh:// URLs: use OpenSSH’s ForceCommand feature to route the sync transfer protocol data over fossil http rather than fossil test-http.

The setup for this is complicated, but it’s a worthy option when you need encrypted communications between the client and server, you already have SSH set up, and the HTTPS alternative is unworkable for some reason.

1. Force remote Fossil access through a wrapper script

Put something like the following into the sshd_config file on the Fossil repository server:

Match Group fossil
    X11Forwarding no
    AllowTcpForwarding no
    AllowAgentForwarding no
    ForceCommand /home/fossil/bin/wrapper

This file is usually found in /etc/ssh, but some OSes put it elsewhere.

The first line presumes that we will put all users who need to use our Fossil repositories into the fossil group, as we will do below. You could instead say something like:

Match User alice,bob,carol,dave

You have to list the users allowed to use Fossil in this case because your system likely has a system administrator that uses SSH for remote shell access, so you want to exclude that user from the list. For the same reason, you don’t want to put the ForceCommand directive outside a Match block of some sort.

You could instead list the exceptions:

Match User !evi

This would permit only Evi the System Administrator to bypass this mechanism.

If you have a user that needs both interactive SSH shell access and Fossil access, exclude that user from the Match rule and use Fossil’s normal ssh:// URL scheme for those cases. This user will bypass the Fossil RBAC, but they effectively have Setup capability on those repositories anyway by having full read/write access to the DB files via the shell.

2. Rewrite the sync command with that wrapper

When Fossil syncs over SSH, it attempts to launch a remote Fossil instance with certain parameters in order to set up the HTTP-based sync protocol over that SSH tunnel. We need to preserve some of this command and rewrite other parts to make this work.

Here is a simpler variant of Andy’s original wrapper script:

while [ $# -gt 1 ] ; do shift ; done
exec "$ROOT/bin/fossil" http "$ROOT/museum/$(/bin/basename "$1")"

The substantive changes are:

  1. Move the command rewriting bits to the start.

  2. Be explicit about executable paths. You might extend this idea by using chroot, BSD jails, Linux containers, etc.

  3. Restrict the Fossil repositories to a single flat subdirectory under the fossil user’s home directory. This scheme is easier to secure than one allowing subdirectories, since you’d need to take care of ../ and such to prevent a sandbox escape.

  4. Don’t take the user name via the SSH command; to this author’s mind, the user should not get to override their Fossil user name on the remote server, as that permits impersonation. The identity you present to the SSH server must be the same identity that the Fossil repository you’re working with knows you by. Since the users selected by “Match” block above are dedicated to using only Fossil in this setup, this restriction shouldn’t present a practical problem.

The script’s shebang line assumes /bin/sh is POSIX-compliant, but that is not the case everywhere. If the script fails to run on your system, try changing this line to point at bash, dash, ksh, or zsh. Also check the absolute paths for local correctness: is /bin/basename installed on your system, for example?

Under this scheme, you clone with a command like:

$ fossil clone ssh://HOST/repo.fossil

This will clone the remote /home/fossil/museum/repo.fossil repository to your local machine under the same name and open it into a “repo/” subdirectory. Notice that we didn’t have to give the museum/ part of the path: it’s implicit per point #3 above.

This presumes your local user name matches the remote user name. Unlike with http[s]:// URLs, you don’t have to provide the USER@ part to get authenticated access since this scheme doesn’t permit anonymous cloning. Only if these two user names are different do you need to add the USER@ bit to the URL.

3. Set permissions

This scheme assumes that the users covered by the Match rule can read the wrapper script from where you placed it and execute it, and that they have read/write access on the directory where the Fossil repositories are stored.

You can achieve all of this on a Linux box with:

sudo adduser fossil
for u in alice bob carol dave ; do 
    sudo adduser $u
    sudo gpasswd -a fossil $u
sudo -i -u fossil
chmod 710 .
mkdir -m 750 bin
mkdir -m 770 museum
ln -s /usr/local/bin/fossil bin

You then need to copy the Fossil repositories into ~fossil/museum and make them readable and writable by group fossil. These repositories presumably already have Fossil users configured, with the necessary user capabilities, the point of this article being to show you how to make Fossil-over-SSH pay attention to those caps.

You must also permit use of REMOTE_USER on each shared repository. Fossil only pays attention to this environment variable in certain contexts, of which “fossil http” is not one. Run this command against each repo to allow that:

echo "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO config VALUES ('remote_user_ok',1,strftime('%s','now'));" |
fossil sql -R museum/repo.fossil

Now you can configure SSH authentication for each user. Since Fossil’s password-saving feature doesn’t work in this case, I suggest setting up SSH keys via ~USER/.ssh/authorized_keys since the SSH authentication occurs on each sync, which Fossil’s default-enabled autosync setting makes frequent.

Equivalent commands for other OSes should be readily discerned from the script above.