JSON API: Tickets

JSON API: Tickets

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This API is incomplete. It is missing at least the following features:

Ticket Reports

Fetch a Report

Status: implemented 20111008

Required privileges: "t" (the thinking being that only those permitted to create reports should be able to read their SQL code)

Request: /json/report/get[/REPORT_NUMBER]

Request options:

Response payload example:

"title":"All Tickets",
"columns":"#ffffff Key:\r\n#f2dcdc Active\r\n...",

List Reports

Status: implemented 20111008

Required privileges: "r" or "n"

Request: /json/report/list

Response payload example:

  "title":"All Tickets",

Run a Report

Status: implemented 20111008

Required privileges: "r" or "n"

Request: /json/report/run[/REPORT_NUMBER]

Request options:

Response payload example:

  "title":"All Tickets",
  "sqlcode": "only set if requester has 't' privileges.",
  "columnNames":[ … list of column names … ],
      "title":"\"config pull all\" asks to approve ssl cert"

Note that the column names of ticket reports are determined by the reports themselves, and not C code. That means that we cannot return a standard set of column names here. Fossil requires certain column naming conventions for purposes of styling the HTML interface, e.g. the "#" column is always the uuid of the record and "bgcolor" (note the different casing than bgColor used throughout the rest of this API!) has a specific meaning to the HTML report browser. Fossil also allows the tickets to be extended with client-specified fields, so we cannot generically make these results fit into the API-wide naming scheme. Full details are here:




(That one may require non-default permission.)